The water powered version of the Art radiant heater – RA shows Akhenaton offering gifts to the Aten or disc of the sun god RA for the light and warmth it provides. The Wall mounted Art radiant heater saves on floor space and makes a beautiful art feature in your living room.
You will agree that this striking tablet would be a focus feature for any room.
- The Water version can be used in your current heating system.
- Reduced heating bills
- Retrofit into your central heating system.
- Make a feature in your living room.
This Bas relief panel will create an impressive feature in your home.
Suitable for:
- Lounge
- Dining room
- Guest room
- Garden office
- Home office
- Restaurants
- Coffee shops
- Offices complexes
Mr T Georg –
We have four SuperStone electrical heaters in our coffee shop. One is the Egyptian panel and it is on all the time. Even though we have four in the coffee shop we have only ever had two working when the weather gets very cold. We did try running the second one when we started but the staff complained it was getting too hot in the shop.